About Pacific Dreamers





Hi! I'm Suzanne! 

Welcome to Pacific Dreamers. I am so happy you are here!

Pacific Dreamers begun during the pandemic. I started making jewelry as a hobby and I fell in love with it. It truly is my passion. I started getting compliments on my jewelry and people told me I should sell my jewelry. I began selling my pieces on Etsy and Pacific Dreamers was born. 

We are based in Southern California, where I grew up. The name Pacific Dreamers came from my love of the ocean. I absolutely love the ocean. From the calm feelings it instills, to the sounds of the waves crashing, it is truly my happy place and where I get inspired. 

I had  been fascinated by crystals for awhile and I had noticed I was being drawn to them more and more. I started attending Live Shows on Instagram and soon after, I started collecting. I was hooked! I added crystals to my shop and the rest is history.  I love doing Live Sales on Instagram and I now host Live Sales on PopShop Live and WhatNot. Live sales are a lot of fun! Here you can purchase carefully hand-selected crystals in real time, learn about crystals and have some fun! This is what I truly enjoy. Connecting with people and helping them discover and connect with crystals. 

Pacific Dreamers is truly my passion and what I was meant to do. At times I can’t believe that I have a crystal business. Traveling to gem shows to select crystals is one of my most treasured parts of what I do. 

When it comes to selecting crystals, I believe the crystal picks you. Selecting a crystal must satisfy the eye and the soul. If it is meant for you, it will come to you. Always trust your intuition. It knows the way.